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    • Understanding Maltodextrin: Uses, Health Concerns, and Benefits

      Understanding Maltodextrin: Uses, Health Concerns, and Benefits0

      Do you check the ingredients before buying food? If so, you may have come across maltodextrin on the label. Manufacturers commonly add this white, starchy powder to packaged foods like pastries, soft drinks, and candies. Whenever this ingredient is used, they specify it in the list of ingredients. Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate derived from rice,

    • Rhodamine B in Food: Health Risks, Detection, and Prevention

      Rhodamine B in Food: Health Risks, Detection, and Prevention0

      Recent reports indicate that several governments have prohibited cotton candy due to health hazards linked to rhodamine B. This chemical compound gives cotton candy its bright colour. While manufacturers use rhodamine B to colour materials like cotton, wool, leather, jute, and silk, authorities strictly forbid its application in food. What is Rhodamine B? Rhodamine B

    • Sattvic Food: A Guide to Being Healthy

      Sattvic Food: A Guide to Being Healthy0

      Sattvic food is gaining popularity among those who prioritize health and conscious living. This plant-based, nutrient-rich diet stands out for being light, easy to digest, and packed with fibre, making it an excellent choice for overall well-being. Despite its growing appeal, many people follow the sattvic diet without fully understanding its ancient roots and profound

    • Watch What You Eat: Practicing Food Safety at Home

      Watch What You Eat: Practicing Food Safety at Home0

      Have you detected a stale odour coming from the carton of milk you just bought? Is the texture runny? If so, the milk is likely contaminated. Food adulteration refers to the intentional or accidental addition of substances to food that alters its taste and nutritional value. This practice is often done to increase quantity or

    • Shellac – The Hidden Ingredient in Your Food

      Shellac – The Hidden Ingredient in Your Food0

      It might surprise you to learn that the same substance used to protect furniture is also used as a shiny coating for foods. As hard as it is to believe, it’s true! This material is called shellac, a wax and a natural resin that acts as an adhesive and is responsible for the extended durability

    • From Green to Ripe: Ethylene’s Role in Fruit Transformation

      From Green to Ripe: Ethylene’s Role in Fruit Transformation0

      Ethylene gas silently drives the ripening of fruits. Despite its intimidating name, there’s no need for alarm. It is a naturally occurring plant hormone, often called the “ripening hormone,” that plays a vital role in the maturation and ageing of fresh fruits. Ethylene is colourless and flammable, and it controls plant growth and development much