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  • Debunking Myths and Exploring the Real Benefits of an Alkaline Diet

    Debunking Myths and Exploring the Real Benefits of an Alkaline Diet0

    In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of health often leads to diet trends promising miraculous results. Among these, the alkaline diet has gained attention for its claims of balancing the body’s pH and enhancing well-being. However, these promises often mask a deeper issue: widespread misinformation about how diet influences our body’s pH levels. While the

  • What is Hydrogenated Oil and Why Should You Care?

    What is Hydrogenated Oil and Why Should You Care?0

    Hydrogenated oil is a common ingredient in processed foods because it enhances shelf life and stability. Manufacturers use it in products like margarine, baked goods, snacks, and fried foods. Although hydrogenated oil comes from natural sources such as soybeans and sunflowers, the process that creates it is synthetic. This process turns liquid vegetable oils into