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  • Kerala’s Food Safety Labs to Gain NABL Accreditation

    Kerala’s Food Safety Labs to Gain NABL Accreditation0

    Report Kerala is on track to have its food safety laboratories accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) in microbiology. This follows the launch of a new microbiology laboratory at the Government Analysts Laboratory in Thiruvananthapuram on Wednesday. Timely Accreditation for All Laboratories Health Minister Veena George confirmed that the

  • Study Uncovers Harmful Contaminants in Protein Powders in US

    Study Uncovers Harmful Contaminants in Protein Powders in US0

    Report The Clean Label Project, a nonprofit focused on transparent food labelling and food safety, conducted a recent study that exposed high levels of harmful contaminants in over-the-counter protein powders sold in the USA. The report evaluated 160 products from 70 leading brands, covering 83% of the market. Heavy Metals in Protein Powders The report

  • Antioxidants: Boosting Food Safety & Health

    Antioxidants: Boosting Food Safety & Health0

    Antioxidants are vital compounds that protect our bodies from oxidative damage and play a crucial role in preserving food safety. In the food industry, they help prevent spoilage, maintain nutritional value, and extend shelf life. However, while antioxidants offer numerous benefits, excessive use—especially of synthetic antioxidants—can pose health risks and complications. Both consumers and manufacturers