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  • Artificial Sweeteners May Not Be Safe Sugar Alternatives

    Artificial Sweeteners May Not Be Safe Sugar Alternatives0

    In today’s health-conscious world, many people are turning to artificial sweeteners as a seemingly healthier alternative to sugar. These sweeteners promise the satisfaction of a sweet taste without the added calories, making them particularly appealing to those watching their weight or managing diabetes. However, a recent study has raised concerns about the safety of artificial

  • High Fructose Corn Syrup : Health Effects

    High Fructose Corn Syrup : Health Effects0

    What is Corn Syrup? Corn syrup is a common sweetener that is obtained by the breaking down of cornstarch either by heating it with a diluted acid or an enzyme. There are mainly two types of corn syrup: Light corn syrup: It is lighter in texture, moderately sweet, and seasoned with vanilla and salt. Dark

  • The Bitter Truth About Sugar Adulteration

    The Bitter Truth About Sugar Adulteration0

    Sugar is often called ‘The White Death’ because of its detrimental side effects to human health. While we are aware of how harmful sugar can be when consumed excessively and without caution, what makes it more dangerous is sugar adulteration. Raw sugar is sucrose extracted from sugarcane or sugar beet and is brown in colour. Table