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  • WHO’s Draft Guidelines: Enhance Nutritional Labeling to Combat Obesity

    WHO’s Draft Guidelines: Enhance Nutritional Labeling to Combat Obesity0

    Introduction of Nutritional Labelling The World Health Organization (WHO) has released its first draft guidelines recommending that packaged foods and drinks display clear nutritional information on the front. This initiative aims to help consumers make healthier choices without enforcing stricter warning labels. Processed foods high in salt, sugar, and fat contribute significantly to the global

  • FSA to Evaluate Safety of Cell-Based Products

    FSA to Evaluate Safety of Cell-Based Products0

    Introduction The The Food Standards Agency FSA and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) have secured £1.6 million ($2.1 million) in funding to launch a program focused on cell-cultivated products. While “cell-based,” “cultivated,” and “cultured” are preferred terms, alternatives such as “in vitro,” “artificial,” “fake,” “clean,” and “lab-grown” are also in use. Cell-based products represent innovative food

  • GMOs Unveiled: The Truth Behind Genetically Modified Foods

    GMOs Unveiled: The Truth Behind Genetically Modified Foods0

    Genetically modifying food (GMO) may seem like a concept straight out of a science fiction movie, but many of the foods we eat—and even those consumed by animals—have altered DNA. Scientists often employ this process to protect crops during growth. However, the scope of genetic modification extends beyond fruits and vegetables. Despite ongoing safety concerns,