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    • FSSAI to Announce New MRL Values for Spices

      FSSAI to Announce New MRL Values for Spices0

      Report The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is preparing to announce 98 new maximum residue level (MRL) values for spices, defining the acceptable pesticide residue limits in food products. Currently, farmers struggle to comply with the 18 MRL values in place, as they are extremely stringent. FSSAI officials stated that the finalized

    • Brown Foods Unveils UnReal Milk: World’s First Lab-Made Cow Milk

      Brown Foods Unveils UnReal Milk: World’s First Lab-Made Cow Milk0

      Report Brown Foods, a biotech startup based in Boston, United States has unveiled UnReal Milk, the world’s first lab-grown whole cow milk produced using mammalian cell culture. Unlike plant-based alternatives, UnReal Milk replicates the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of traditional cow milk, containing all essential proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Scientific Validation and Key Dairy

    • Keep Kitchen Sponges Clean to Prevent Foodborne Illness

      Keep Kitchen Sponges Clean to Prevent Foodborne Illness0

      Maintaining proper kitchen hygiene is crucial to preventing the spread of illness-causing germs. While washing hands is a common practice, it’s equally important to ensure your kitchen surfaces and cleaning tools, like sponges, remain free from harmful bacteria. Improperly cleaned surfaces can lead to cross-contamination, increasing the risk of foodborne illnesses. From wiping down counters