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  • US Drops Coconut from Food Allergen List, Boosting Exports!

    US Drops Coconut from Food Allergen List, Boosting Exports!

    Report After years of advocacy by various participants in the coconut industry, the US has recently removed coconut from its list of food allergens. This decision has delighted coconut farmers, primarily from southern India. Until now, the US government classified coconut as a tree nut under the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act. The

  • Mercury in Seafood: Balancing Health Benefits and Risks

    Mercury in Seafood: Balancing Health Benefits and Risks

    Seafood is a powerhouse of nutrition, providing high-quality protein, essential vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Regular consumption is associated with numerous health benefits, including enhanced cardiovascular health, cognitive function, and optimal growth in children. However, mercury contamination in fish and shellfish raises concerns about its safety, particularly for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and


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