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  • Oncologists Urge Strict Food Safety Measures to Prevent Cancer

    Oncologists Urge Strict Food Safety Measures to Prevent Cancer0

    Report On World Cancer Day, IMA oncologists warned that various factors contribute to cancer, with contaminated food being a significant risk. Dr S K Kundu, an oncologist, emphasized the urgent need for laws that impose severe penalties on vendors selling food prepared in unsanitary conditions. He criticized street food vendors’ widespread use of cheap and

  • CUJ Hostel Mess Faces Complaints Over Unsanitary Conditions

    CUJ Hostel Mess Faces Complaints Over Unsanitary Conditions0

    Report Food safety officials recently inspected the hostel mess at the Central University of Jharkhand (CUJ) and discovered alarming unsanitary conditions. During their inspection on Tuesday evening, they collected a dinner food sample and sent it to the state food testing lab for analysis. They found the kitchen infested with cockroaches and discarded expired amchur

  • MCA Stadium Enhances Food & Water Safety for T20 Amid GBS Outbreak

    MCA Stadium Enhances Food & Water Safety for T20 Amid GBS Outbreak0

    Report Maharashtra Cricket Association (MCA) Stadium officials are tightening food and water safety measures for the T20 match between India and England on Friday in Pune, following a GBS outbreak in parts of the city. The state government has issued new guidelines to ensure public health and safety. Santosh Bobde, honorary joint secretary of MCA,