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  • Food Sterilization: Process, Benefits, and Contribution to Food Safety

    Food Sterilization: Process, Benefits, and Contribution to Food Safety0

    In today’s globalized food supply chain, ensuring food safety is of paramount importance. With the increasing demand for convenience and longer shelf life, food sterilization has become an essential process in modern food preservation. By effectively eliminating harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, moulds, and viruses, food sterilization not only safeguards consumers from foodborne illnesses

  • Stanford Study Reveals Risks of Raw Milk and the Need for Pasteurization

    Stanford Study Reveals Risks of Raw Milk and the Need for Pasteurization0

    Report A recent study by Stanford University uncovers hidden risks associated with raw milk, commonly promoted as a healthy alternative to pasteurized milk. The research found that the influenza virus can remain infectious in refrigerated raw milk for up to five days, raising concerns about potential transmission through consumption. The study underscores the importance of