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Two Hotels Closed for Release of Untreated Waste into Canal

Two Hotels Closed for Release of Untreated Waste into Canal

The Kochi Corporation health wing has taken decisive action against environmental violations by closing down two hotels in Ponnurunni. The hotels, Aryaas and Thakkaram, were caught red-handed discharging untreated waste directly into the Punchathode canal. This illegal activity came to light when a vigilant resident captured visuals of the hotels dumping waste into the canal using their mobile phone. The evidence was promptly shared with the Kochi Corporation officials.

Immediate Closure and Remedial Measures

The health wing swiftly intervened, issuing a stop memo to both Aryaas and Thakkaram. The hotels now have seven days to implement necessary measures, including setting up sewage treatment plants (STPs) to treat the waste generated on their premises. Failure to comply will result in fines of ₹50,000 per hotel, considering the gravity of the environmental crime.

Persistent Challenge: Waste Disposal in Canals

Despite warnings and increased awareness about the impact of waste disposal on water bodies, the practice continues unchecked. Dumping waste into canals remains a major concern, especially during heavy rainfall. The sticky nature of food waste containing oil, flour, and cooked rice contributes to blockages in drains, exacerbating flooding issues.

Call for Responsible Practices

Manoj Panakkal, Vice President of the Ernakulam Merchants Chamber, emphasized that authorities must ensure that hotels set up functional STPs. Some hotels lack the space for STPs and directly discharge waste into drains, exacerbating flooding in the city.

As Kerala strives for environmental sustainability, responsible waste management practices are essential. Let us collectively work towards cleaner waterways and a healthier ecosystem.


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