Twelve children and an ayah from an Anganwadi in the Ponnurunni East division of Kochi Corporation showed symptoms of food poisoning, including vomiting and diarrhoea, after consuming contaminated water.
Upon receiving the report, Corporation health officials immediately inspected the Anganwadi and nearby areas. They found that, although the Anganwadi and its surroundings were clean, the water in the overhead tank was contaminated. The officials sent water samples for analysis and believed that the contaminated water had been used to prepare meals for the children. At the request of a physician from the nearby primary health centre, they sent another water sample to the Health Department’s laboratory.
Delay in Reporting Explained
The incident occurred on Thursday, December 19, but authorities reported it on Saturday, December 21, which led to a delay in reporting. Moreover, three parents also developed symptoms. Division Councillor Dipin Dileep explained that the families of the affected children may have thought the issue was isolated to their households. He added that the Anganwadi operated on Friday but would remain closed until after the Christmas break.
Source: The Hindu