Following directives from Food Safety Commissioner Vakati Karuna and NTR District Collector G. Lakshmisha, three Food Safety officials inspected four bakeries and two sweet shops in Vijayawada on Saturday, January 11, and uncovered several hygiene violations.
Dangerous Levels of Reused Oil Detected
Food Controller N. Purnachandrarao reported that the teams discovered unsanitary kitchens and storage areas, dirty utensils, and excessive use of artificial colours in cakes. They also found expired products and noted several items’ absence of expiry and manufacturing dates. Additionally, the teams identified elevated levels of ‘total polar compounds’ in the oil, which can be harmful and may increase the risk of cancer when oil is heated multiple times.
Notices Issued to Food Establishments
The Food Safety teams issued notices to the following establishments for the violations:
- Sri Balaji Foods in Ramarajyanagar
- Swagruha Foods on MG Road
- Navrang Bakery in Governorpet
- Kaju House in Auto Nagar
- Sri Sai Baba Ghee and Home Foods in Autonagar
Ongoing Inspections and Future Actions
Purnachandrarao emphasized that, due to ongoing celebrations, the Food Safety Department will continue conducting routine inspections at bakeries and restaurants. He also stated that the department would take action against individuals selling coloured cotton candies.
Source: The Hindu