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FSSAI Directs Food Brands to Remove “100% Fruit Juice” Claims

FSSAI Directs Food Brands to Remove “100% Fruit Juice” Claims

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has taken a significant step to ensure accurate labelling and advertising of fruit juices. In an official statement, the FSSAI has mandated that all Food Business Operators (FBOs) immediately remove any claims of ‘100% fruit juices’ from the labels and advertisements of reconstituted fruit juices.

Why the Directive?

Upon thorough examination, the FSSAI found that several FBOs inaccurately marketed various types of reconstituted fruit juices by claiming them to be 100% fruit juices. However, according to the Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and Claims) Regulations, 2018, there is no provision for making a ‘100%’ claim. Such claims can be misleading, especially when the major ingredient of the fruit juice is water, and the primary fruit content is present only in limited concentrations or when the juice is reconstituted using water and fruit concentrates or pulp.

Compliance and Transition Period

The FSSAI has instructed all Food Business Operators (FBOs) to use up all existing pre-printed packaging materials before September 1, 2024. Additionally, they must comply with the standards for fruit juices as specified under sub-regulation 2.3.6 of the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards & Food Additives) Regulation, 2011. The Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2020, mandate that products covered by the standard must label the word ‘reconstituted’ in the ingredient list alongside the name of the juice that is reconstituted from concentrate. Additionally, if the added nutritive sweeteners exceed 15 gm/kg, the product should be labelled as ‘Sweetened juice’.

FSSAI’s Commitment to Public Health

The FSSAI remains dedicated to protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety standards across the country. By ensuring accurate labelling and transparent claims, consumers can make informed choices about the products they consume.


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