Nandini, Karnataka’s beloved dairy brand, has launched an innovative ready-to-cook idli and dosa batter enriched with 5% whey protein. The product transforms traditional South Indian breakfasts into nutritionally balanced meal options, targeting health-conscious urban consumers. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah officially unveiled the product at Vidhana Soudha, alongside ministers K. Venkatesh, Krishna Byregowda, and Dinesh Gundu Rao. KMF (Karnataka Milk Federation) Managing Director K. Shivaswamy and Chairman Bheema Naik also attended the launch.
Solving Urban Nutrition Challenges
Urban residents, often pressed for time due to work demands, find it difficult to prepare meals daily, according to KMF. “Ready-to-cook products are increasingly popular, and our whey protein-infused batter delivers a healthier option,” KMF stated. “Traditional idli and dosa are typically high in carbohydrates and low in protein, but this product bridges that gap.” By adding whey protein—a nutrient-rich byproduct of paneer production—Nandini has enhanced the protein content of these breakfast staples, making them a nutritious choice for modern lifestyles.
Pricing and Availability
Nandini has priced the batter competitively and made it available in two sizes:
- 450 grams for ₹40
- 900 grams for ₹80
Based on market feedback, the product will initially launch in Bengaluru, with plans to expand to other cities.
Bold Growth Plans
KMF Chairman Bheema Naik revealed their goal to sell 3–4 tonnes of batter daily in Bengaluru. Following its success, Nandini plans to introduce the product in Delhi and other regions where it already enjoys a strong market presence. Although initially scheduled for October, Nandini postponed the launch to December to capitalize on the holiday season, when demand for convenient and nutritious food peaks.
Redefining the Industry
With this launch, Nandini leads the way in the ready-to-cook category by combining traditional recipes with modern nutritional demands. For health-conscious individuals and busy professionals, this product offers an ideal blend of convenience and nourishment, setting a new standard in the South Indian food market.
Source: Foodtech Network