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Mysuru Residents Demand Ban on Newspaper Food Packaging

Mysuru Residents Demand Ban on Newspaper Food Packaging

With cases of cancer on the rise, concerned citizens in Mysuru are urging authorities to take action against the use of newspapers for food packaging. Bakeries, eateries, and other food vendors often wrap items like idli, vada, dosa, cake, and more in newspapers. However, this practice can have serious health implications.

The Risks of Newspaper Food Packaging

  1. Chemical Absorption: Newspapers can absorb harmful chemicals from the ink, which may transfer to the food. These chemicals pose health risks, especially when consumed regularly.
  2. Cancer Concerns: India recorded 14.1 lakh new cancer cases last year, with 9.1 lakh deaths due to cancer. Using newspapers for food packaging can contribute to these alarming statistics.
  3. FSSAI Guidelines: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has banned the use of newspapers for wrapping food items. Despite this, the practice continues.
  4. Contamination Risks: Newspapers are exposed to various environmental conditions during distribution, making them susceptible to contamination by bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

Butter Paper as an Alternative

Instead of newspapers, eateries should use butter paper for food packaging. While it costs more (around Rs 20 per sheet), it ensures safer food handling and reduces health risks.

Conclusion: Prioritizing Health and Safety

In light of the health risks associated with newspaper food packaging, Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) must take decisive action. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Awareness Campaigns: MCC should launch awareness campaigns to educate both food vendors and consumers about the dangers of using newspapers for packaging. Simple posters, social media messages, and workshops can spread the message effectively.
  2. Strict Enforcement: Existing guidelines from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) prohibit the use of newspapers for wrapping food items. MCC must enforce these guidelines rigorously. Regular inspections and penalties for non-compliance can deter businesses from using newspapers.
  3. Promoting Alternatives: Encourage eateries and bakeries to switch to safer alternatives like butter paper. While it may be slightly more expensive, the long-term health benefits far outweigh the cost.
  4. Collaboration with Stakeholders: MCC should collaborate with local businesses, health experts, and environmentalists to find sustainable solutions. Engaging all stakeholders ensures a holistic approach to food safety.

Remember, our collective efforts can lead to positive change. Let’s protect our health and the environment by saying no to newspaper food packaging!

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