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Karnataka has forbidden the use of artificial colours in kebabs

Karnataka has forbidden the use of artificial colours in kebabs


It is unfortunate that despite the various hazardous effects of artificial colours, people still do not refrain from using them in their foods. Kebab is a popular dish in the Karnataka region and, by passing this order, the government aims to make people aware that these colours contain hazardous effects and they should stay away from using them in any of their foods. The Karnataka Government has forbidden the use of artificial colours.

In the latest and rightful measures to curb the usage of artificial colours in food items, the Karnataka government has released a statement that they will prohibit the addition of artificial colours to kebabs. This decision seeks to minimize the risks that are associated with the use of synthetic additives in foods and, on the whole, foster a healthier and more traditional approach to cooking.

Decision Making and Its Consequences

The Karnataka government has decided to ban artificial colours in kebabs. The reason behind this decision is that awareness of these chemicals’ dangerous impacts on health has increased in recent times. Many processed foods contain synthetic colours, which are added to make food items attractive to consumers and are believed to lead to ailments such as allergies, hyperactivity among children, and even cancer in humans. These substances are prohibited as the government aims to safeguard consumers and promote the use of natural resources.

Health Risks Associated with Artificial Colours

Taking an insight into the risks associated with artificial colours, it is essential to acknowledge the following: Artificial food colours are man-made substances added to foods to make them more visually appealing. However, negative effects of these substances have been observed in several studies. Some of the synthetic colours include quinine yellow (tartrazine), patent yellow, and red (Allura red or red no.40), which have been proven to cause allergic reactions and hyperactivity among children. Some artificial colours are also considered carcinogenic, especially with long-term exposure.

Promoting Natural Alternatives

In response to the ban, the Karnataka government is encouraging the use of natural colour additives in foods. Natural colours, obtained from fruits, vegetables, and spices, pose less threat to consumers’ health and bring added flavours and nutritional benefits that processed foods lack. For example, beetroot can add a reddish colour, while turmeric can provide a yellow hue to the food; both these ingredients are beneficial to health.

Impact on the Food Industry

The ban on artificial colours is expected to have a significant impact on the food industry, especially kebab vendors and restaurants. There may be initial difficulties, but in the long term, it will be easier to work with natural ingredients. As awareness of health increases, consumers are making healthier choices and prefer foods free from synthetic additives. This change could improve the reputation of establishments where natural elements dominate their preparation processes.

Culinary Points of View

The ban has elicited mixed responses within the culinary community. Some chefs and restaurateurs welcome the move as a step towards offering healthier food, while others are concerned about the potential impact on the appearance and cost of their dishes. Despite these concerns, many believe that the ban will encourage innovation as chefs experiment with natural ingredients to maintain the desired aesthetics and taste.

Government’s Role in Implementation

To ensure compliance with the new regulations on kebab production, the Karnataka government plans to conduct surveillance and impose fines on those found using artificial colours in kebabs. Additionally, the government is considering informational campaigns to raise awareness among consumers and food industry stakeholders about the benefits of natural food colours.


The Karnataka government’s ban on artificial colours in kebabs is commendable as it aims to make food healthier for the people. While the transition may be challenging for the food industry, it represents a move towards a healthier and more sustainable future for the culinary world. As awareness of the negative effects of artificial additives grows, naturally prepared food is likely to become a preferred option, benefiting both the public and the food business industry.


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