A family has filed a complaint after discovering a lizard inside a samosa purchased from a shop namely Bubble Tea at Irinjalakuda bus stand in Thrissur district, Kerala. The incident occurred around noon yesterday when the family bought a parcel of samosas from the shop, located near Koodalmanikyam Road. Sinny and Rajesh, residents of Anandapuram, bought the samosas for their children. After reaching home and eating, they found a lizard inside one of the samosas. Their daughter bit into the lizard’s tail, and upon checking further, she discovered the rest of the lizard inside. Shocked by the discovery, the family immediately filed a complaint with the Irinjalakuda Municipality’s health department.
Health Department Inspects and Closes the Shop
Health department officials responded swiftly and inspected the shop. They discovered that the employees lacked valid health cards and temporarily shut down the shop. The bakery owner explained that they do not prepare the snacks on-site but receive them in parcels from another location.
Investigation and Further Actions
The health department collected CCTV footage showing the family’s purchase and gathered details of their online bill payment. Officials also inspected the location where the samosas are prepared and received. The health department promised to continue the investigation and take appropriate actions based on their findings.
Further Steps
The authorities have assured the family that they will take necessary actions to address the issue. They have also instructed the shop to resume operations only once the employees obtain valid health cards. Further steps will be taken to prevent such incidents in the future.
Source: Mathrubhumi