On Wednesday, the Uttar Pradesh government launched mobile laboratories to inspect food at establishments across the Maha Kumbh Mela region. The initiative aims to enforce strict hygiene and safety standards, ensuring pilgrims receive safe and quality food.
Ensuring Food Safety on Wheels
Sushil Kumar Singh, Assistant Food Commissioner (Grade 2), emphasized how ‘Food Safety on Wheels‘ effectively prevents the distribution of spoiled or contaminated food. “These portable labs enable us to test food and beverages immediately,” Singh said. “We regularly assess the quality of food at hotels, roadside eateries, and small vendors. We promptly address any food safety issues to ensure swift action.”
Government’s Commitment to Quality Food
The Uttar Pradesh government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, is committed to providing clean and safe food to the millions of devotees attending the Maha Kumbh. To achieve this, the government has divided the fair into five zones and 25 sectors, each closely monitored by food safety officials.
Centralized Oversight and Monitoring
The government operates a central office on Sankat Mochan Marg in Sector 24, which manages all food safety activities at the event. The office coordinates food safety efforts and supervises the deployment of officials across the fairgrounds. Food safety officers are assigned to each sector, with chief officers overseeing every five sectors. Currently, 14 industries in the Jhunsi area are under active monitoring.
Massive Pilgrim Turnout
On January 13, the first day of the Maha Kumbh, around 1.75 crore pilgrims gathered at the Triveni Sangam. By the second day, coinciding with Makar Sankranti, the number of devotees surged to 3.5 crore. The Uttar Pradesh government expects 40 to 45 crore pilgrims and visitors to attend over the next six weeks, with the event concluding on February 26.
Source: The Economic Times