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Toxicological Risks of Microbial Contamination in Roasted Peanuts: A Critical Health Concern

Toxicological Risks of Microbial Contamination in Roasted Peanuts: A Critical Health Concern

Authors: Sunitha Poulose, Kochurani Abraham & Linda Joise George


Roasted peanuts, a staple in Kerala’s culinary tradition, are highly prone to contamination by yeasts and moulds due to their direct contact with soil, which harbours a variety of microorganisms. Soil moisture and organic matter create favourable conditions for microbial growth. As peanuts mature, their outer shells absorb microbial spores, which, if not properly handled or stored after harvest, can proliferate, significantly increasing the risk of contamination.


This study aims to assess microbial contamination in roasted peanuts, identify the associated health risks, and propose preventive measures to enhance food safety.


A 250-gram sample of roasted peanuts was collected for microbiological analysis. Total Plate Count (TPC) was conducted according to the Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM, 8th Edition, Chapter 3), and yeast and mould levels were assessed under Indian Standard IS 5403 for fungal contamination. The microbial load was quantified to evaluate contamination levels.

Key Findings

The analysis revealed significant microbial contamination in the roasted peanuts, with yeast and mould counts exceeding the permissible limits. Additionally, the Total Plate Count surpassed regulatory thresholds, indicating that improper storage conditions—particularly elevated moisture content—contributed to microbial growth and facilitated the production of mycotoxins.


The detection of yeast and mould in roasted peanuts presents significant safety concerns, particularly in Kerala, where improper storage practices have been identified as a key factor contributing to microbial contamination. Elevated contamination levels increase the risk of aflatoxin production, which is associated with severe health risks such as liver damage, cancer, and immune suppression. To mitigate these risks, it is imperative to adopt stringent drying, storage, and handling protocols that limit moisture exposure and microbial growth. Additionally, public health initiatives should emphasize educating handlers and consumers about safe peanut practices. Enhanced food safety measures are essential to protect public health and ensure the continued safety and quality of roasted peanuts.

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