The Task Force (South Zone) of the Hyderabad Police Commissioner, working with the Food Safety team, recently raided a tea manufacturing facility in Chandanagar and uncovered large-scale adulteration of tea products. During the operation, authorities seized 130 kgs of packaged adulterated tea powder, 35 kgs of loose adulterated tea powder, and food dyes used in the adulteration process.
Adulteration Methods Exposed
Authorities identified the 46-year-old suspect, D. Chandra Shekar, a resident of Chandanagar, who had been mixing tea powder with “sunset yellow” dye and another colouring agent to falsely pass off the product as premium-quality tea. In addition to the dyes, the adulterated tea was flavoured with cardamom to further deceive consumers.
Wide Distribution Network
The defendant supplied the adulterated tea powder to various areas across Hyderabad, including Mehdipatnam, Tolichowki, Golconda, Kukatpally, Gachibowli, Tellapur, Patancheru, Lingampally, and Chandanagar. The operation not only revealed the scope of the adulteration but also highlighted the extent of the distribution network.
Confiscation and Arrest
The Task Force team, working alongside the GHMC Circle-21 Food Safety Officer, confiscated goods valued at ₹1.2 lakh. The authorities successfully apprehended D. Chandra Shekar in connection with the illegal activities.
Previous Adulteration Scandals
This raid follows a series of previous operations targeting similar adulteration practices in the city. In earlier investigations, authorities discovered the tampering of tea powder with coconut shell powder and artificial flavours, as well as altered ginger garlic paste and tampered coconut powder.
The ongoing efforts by the Hyderabad Police and Food Safety authorities highlight their commitment to tackling food adulteration and ensuring consumer safety.
Source: The Hindu